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Embarcação pesqueira


Offering meat to Brazilians and abroad


Extremo Sul was founded in June 2008, in the city of Florianópolis. 

Initially, the company was concerned about bringing goods from the neighboring country, Argentina. 

Gradually, with a positive response from the market, the company was willing to try products from other countries in South America. We started importing from countries like Chile and Peru, products like Salmon and Squid respectively, as well as mussels.

The Chinese and Vietnamese, very aggressive in the market, used to approach our company frequently, aiming to increase trade in the Brazilian market, which was in full expansion.

Realizing that it was a safe business, even knowing that we were dealing shipping by sea, the company decided to take the risk and made the first importations from Asia.

Salmon fillet, halibut fillet, ring squid and tube squid from China. From Vietnam, the famous Basa fillet, much in demand abroad and that in 2012, the company would resell it. From New Zealand , It has started to import  Conger.

Today, the enterprise trade with several countries. Depending on the flow of merchandise available from extractive fishing or on farms, it has made increase stocks to resell nationally, always bearing in mind the quality of the products to be marketed.

Cargo Shipping Containers


R. Souza Dutra, 145 - room 1003 - Estreito, Florianópolis - SC, 88070-605, Brazil

(48) 3029-8904

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